Thursday, January 10, 2008

On the HUNT!

Daniel and I have an is plain and simple. I mean at least we are admitting it (or maybe I should say I am admitting it for myself and Daniel). You all began when some brilliant mind invented this little thing that people (usually kids enjoy...but we are kids at heart!) fill their free time with. It was a very clever invention i might add, that has been changed over the better adapt to the changes around it!

Well...I saw it for the first time on TV. I was very curious as to what it was, how it worked, yada..yada...yada. I thought I might enjoy it, so in passing I pointed it out to Daniel...he also thought it was very neat and could be enjoyable. BUT...Getting caught up in other things I some what forgot about it UNTIL...CHRISTMAS! It was one of the HOT items that parents wanted to buy for their children so that on Christmas morning when the kiddos would open their presents a grin would appear on their faces and a big THANK YOU DAD AND MOM...YOU ARE THE BEST would ring in the ears of the satisfied parents.

Anyway getting back to my original thought....ok so during Christmas it was everywhere. Then, some of our VERY dear friends PURCHASED ONE...NO WAY! We would now get to see it...maybe even use it. And then it happen. We went to Ryan and Sam's house last night and actually got to experience what my whole blog it about and it was AMAZING!!! O.K. so i know you are wondering what in the world I am talking about so brace yourself....IT IS A

wii...yes that's right. A super fun game that could entertain you for hours!!!

So Daniel and I spent 1 1/2 hours this morning visiting Target , Best Buy, and Wal-mart in search of one to purchase. Let me just say that we arrived at best buy 4 minutes before it opened and there were people outside waiting....on a wii. saying all of this, if ANY ONE KNOWS WHERE WE CAN PURCHASE ONE PLEASE DO SHARE.

The End


Anonymous said...

you are the funniest little story-writer ever mae mae! :) I love you mucho!

~The Birthday Girl ;)

Ashley Davis said...

they normally deliver them on tuesdays. mid morning. usually you can go in wal-mart that morning and ask if they have one under the counter, etc.
i know this only b/c my parents got a few around christmas time