Winter is in FULL affect here. We've seen lots of snow and below (like way below) freezing temps have been an everyday norm. A couple of nights ago it was -4...O.M.G Y'ALL that is seriously C.O.L.D! Even though we have lived here for over 2 years, this southern girl is truly southern at heart and probably won't ever get use to this weather.
I have this love hate relationship with snow. If I don't have to drive or go out in it, but just look out our window at all its beauty falling..then I am good with it. I never realized how ridiculously hard it is to drive in (when they haven't cleared the roads). So this love/hate is that it is stunning when it falls. So beautiful to watch, BUT once it is on the ground and starting to be cleared, it gets all dirty and not so nice on the eyes.
I have truly learned what gloves, hats, jackets and scarfs are for. Before I thought a scarf was for fashion. Now it is necessary to stay warm. Who cares what I look like when I can barely feel my fingertips outside. Throw everything warm on and go.
Yesterday it snowed about 6 to 8 inches. My commute home which usually takes about 15 maybe 20 minutes took me a good hour and a half. I was a nervous reck driving in conditions that I am no pro at. They hadn't really cleared the roads, and the toll was basically a parking lot. But I made it home in one piece.
All of that to say we stayed in last night and enjoyed some family time. This morning we hit the post office to get the boys passports. The first one we went to wouldn't see us--by appointment only, so we went to another (which was bigger and friendlier) and got the boys squared away. Side note--I think it's crazy that both the boys passports are good for 5 years. I mean come on Caleb is 5 months old. At 4.5 years old he is still going to be carrying (or us carrying) this passport picture from when he was 5 months? I mean I'm not complaining (because I don't want to get a passport for them every year) it just seems odd.
So this afternoon right after nap time (and a little begging to the hubs) we suited up and headed out to enjoy some snow. Eli couldn't get enough of it.
Caleb was unfazed by it. By the end I think he was getting a little cold and began to fuss.
What a fun memory :)