i have something you might be interested in.
over the past 5 months daniel and i have truly been blessed with an abundant amount of diapers and wipes given to us, that we haven't really had to buy either...until now. well let me restate that. we have plenty to last us for a bit longer (maybe a couple of months at least), but there are some SERIOUSLY great deals out there right now that i just decided to take advantage of! we typically buy (or they were graciously given to us) Pampers diapers & wipes, but i have learned with saving money you have to be flexible on brands. i haven't ever used Huggies but will be in the future! Here are the deals i stacked up on this week:
from Walgreens:
3 Jumbo packs of huggies diapers originally 12.49 ea but were on sale for 8.99 ea. After coupons & ecb's I paid 4.99 ea.
4 tubs of huggies wipes orginally 3.99 ea but were on sale for 2/$5. I paid .93 ea after coupons.
from Target:
1 46 count of huggies pure and natural at 18.49. After coupons it was 12.49 BUT i had 20.00 ingift cards from purchasing formula (target is doing that deal again so take advantage of it if you need some!) so these were FREE for me!
total of all before coupons, ecb's & gift cards: $71.92
GRAND TOTAL after coupons, ecb's & gc: $26.42 (plus tax)
savings of $45.50
What a great deal!