Monday, March 24, 2008

My heart broke...

Daniel and I have just begun going back to this ministry we were involved in while in college called Bible Club.  Basically, every Saturday morning (unless the weather does not permit us) we go out to a local trailer park and share Christ with the kids there (and sometimes their families).  We laugh, play games, do arts-n-crafts, have a bible story, sing sometimes and much more.  Even though I don't speak much if any is truly a blessing just being in the kids company!

Anyways this past Saturday I briefly taught on what we celebrated last Sunday--Palm Sunday, and then someone told the Easter story (which required the kids to draw and really kept them involved...I liked it!).  After the story...I was sitting there chatting with one of the kids as we cleaned up, and all the sudden he looked up at me with those sweet and innocent eyes, and spoke with a very soft voice saying these words... "I don't know who Jesus is" heart broke, everything around me seemed to stop and all I could think was please, please understand me when I tell you who he is...  Here we were cleaning up and it was time to leave, and all I wanted to do was to share who Christ was, because this precious boy didn't know Him.  It made me think of how many people in this world have NEVER heard the Good News, and that it is our duty as believers to tell them!  The verse that Paul wrote to the Romans comes to mind and I will leave you with it to reflect on...

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Romans 10:14 & 15


the smiths said...

Isn't it just ridiculous that there are people right here in our very city who have no idea who Jesus is?! That really amazes me considering the churches we have on every corner, you know?!

Joel said...

Who was the boy? Was it Martin (wondering because of how you asked me to talk through the Easter story with him as I walked him to his home)?