Monday, November 26, 2007

My To Do List....this week!!

Here is what I need to do before Sunday, December 2nd (except for #8)

1. Complete missions presentation that Daniel and I will present on Wednesday.
2. Present presentation to student body at SEBC
3. Start and Finish November Newsletter....and send them out to all our supporters
4. Attend Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner for one of my favorite couples (and Daniel's best friend). Also, attend their WEDDING ON SATURDAY--YEAH!
5. Make reservations for a Church Planting Conference Daniel and I will be attending in Orlando in a couple of months...also find a hotel to stay at and ask off for work.
6. Make our Christmas card picture (consisting of Daniel, Madie, and Me--it can take a while to get a photo where Madie is looking). Also, start working on our Christmas cards and send them out
7. Tell my Grandmother HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Saturday
8. Clean the house and both cars

You can pray for us in so many is going to be a crazy week but at the same time a very exciting one that I have looked forward to for a while. I hope to be updating more so keep checking this site for more postings!

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