Thursday, January 20, 2011

Following God's Call...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I feel like every time I sit down to write, I am reminded of something else I need to do around the house, for work etc. so this thing has gotten put on the back burner.

Beware-this is not a feel good post. It is from my heart and what I have been struggling with lately and what God has been teaching me. It is hard for me to be totally transparent on here not knowing who really is reading, but here I go...

I am a sinner. Yes I am. I struggle just like all of you. Lately I have been plagued with the thoughts of where we are now. When I say "we" I mean Daniel, Eli and I (oh and baby # 2). I can't tell you how many friends & family members we have that have just bought a house, are buying a house or already have houses, steady good paying jobs, new cars etc. They have 401k's and money in savings. When they want to go out to eat or take a vacation...well they do. I am not saying these things are good or bad, but I find myself (often) asking God why we don't have those things. We have a 16 year old beat up car and an 8 year old car that has seen better days. I feel like we throw money down the drain every month with rent, and if we are being honest here struggle to pay our bills each month. It's not that I REALLY want all of those things, but it is just hard at times to see other people with them.

Then I am reminded (how in the world could I be so stupid to forget)...We are following God's call and He has a plan for our lives! He really does. It might not look like what we think it should, but He does have a plan and He is sovereign. He has taken care of every single one of our needs. Who cares if we have all those things anyway. We can't take them with us. No we don't live lavishly (in American standards but compared to the rest of the world we do). We're not buying a house anytime soon, or a new car (although I do wonder how it will be with 2 babies...but I know people do it all the time!) Following God's call means laying down your pride, selfish flesh desires, giving up things well lets be honest...that are just so dang hard to and standing before the Lord saying, here I am. Lord I want to serve you whatever that might mean. For us now that means seminary and raising support. Oh how many times we have been on our knees begging the Lord for support while in the same breath praying for His will to be done. The Lord never said "take up your cross and follow me and it will be easy". It's been a crazy journey so far with a whole lot of heartache, laughs, loves, teaching moments and much more.

So as I struggle with this bare with jealousy creeps in and I start questioning God why this? and why that?

Thank you Lord for the blessings all around me. For taking care of our every need day in and day out. Lord, may I (we) grow and trust you more daily.


Mandy said...

Thank you for sharing this! I've been there a lot lately too. Praise God that he has a perfect plan for our lives!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this! I have a really hard time being transparent too. But I also have been struggling with these things and being reminded that I'm not alone and how faithful God is I have been encouraged! :) We have to keep our eyes on Christ :)

Lindsey said...

I'm glad you shared this! You are not alone...we all feel this way at one time or another and I especially sometimes feel like no one else seems to struggle with any of the things I struggle with. It's good to get it out there and I will keep you guys in my prayers. Don't feel like you are the only one...I am constantly burdened with money worries, feeling stretched thin with baby and looking around and feeling like everyone else has it together! I just try to realize that God constantly pays my bills, gives me what I need, and somehow makes sure I have enough time to get what matters done. All you can do is give it to him.

Shelbie and Aaron Rose said...

Magen, I don't know how I missed this post! I am right there with you. Aaron and I each work three jobs (two of which for both are not many hours, but still we do them all each week). We do not see each other much and miss each other terribly. We never have extra money and going out to eat takes planning for us. It is hard when none of my friends seem to live the same way. We are just busting our tails to support these amazing kids that God has blessed us with and I would NEVER not be a mom just to live lavishly. So I just wanted you to know that I feel your pain.
That being said, it is YOU I envy. I am working on my relationship with Christ and that is my focus in life right now and forever. I strayed so, so far away in high school and until I met Aaron. It is hard for me to forgive myself, and through that I have to constantly remind myself the God DOES FORGIVE. I look at you and Daniel's life and think it is amazing. You guys are young, yet are wise beyond your years. Thank you for being such an amazing role model for me.