Thursday, October 20, 2011

Big Brother Eli

Lately this blog has been Little Brother heavy due to the fact that Big Bro doesn't really cooperate when trying to take a picture. I was able to snag a few pictures the other day and thought they were cute.

When I say "smile for the camera, Eli" this is the look I get followed by a cheeeeeeese! I think this is in the middle of cheeeeese.

Superman (my brother) & Aunt Linds (his wife/my sister-in-law) got this trike for Eli last Christmas. He is big enough now to enjoy it.

This boy is such a great Big Brother :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I heart him

I can't get enough of this chubbiness!

And he's not even two months yet :)

Sunday, October 09, 2011


I love this picture of Eli and myself that a friend took when he was 9 months old :)

Friday, October 07, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Hope y'all have a great weekend!!

Big brother wouldn't cooperate for a pic.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Instagram Dump

Not too much going on (thats out of the ordinary). The boys and I have been trying to spend lost of time outside. The weather is wonderful right now.

I love Fall!

Okay no more time to spend on here! We need naps and then its back outside.

OH--I saw a link on a friends fb page (she lives where we live). I clicked on the link and this is what the first couple of sentences said:

"Enjoy the nice weather while you can.

Winter’s going to clobber (the city we live in) again, hitting us with colder than normal temperatures and nearly twice the normal amount of snowfall."

Oh joy! Last winter was pretty darn cold and snowy...thinking that this one will be worse makes me sick to my stomach. Not so much because of the cold (even though I would take a HOT summer day any day over the cold here) but more so because of the messiness/pain that snow can be AND that I will be cooped up inside with 2 boys.

So we WILL enjoy this beautiful weather now before, turns to cold.